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2025 NAIOP SoCal Gavel Sponsorship

2025 LEG Image

PURPOSE - To strengthen NAIOP SoCal's Legislative Advocacy program, respond to threats, proactively engage public officials, build and maintain relationships with policymakers, educate government officials on the value of commercial real estate to the local economy and be a powerful advocate for the commercial real estate industry.

SPONSORSHIP VALUE - Gavel Sponsors Will Receive:

  • Succinct, periodic updates that distill the impacts of legislative and regulatory issues with specific action items, including a summary of hot topics and priority legislation.
  • Access to local and state legislative officials, as well as to congressional representatives, to discuss current issues affecting commercial real estate.
  • Exclusive in-person or virtual meetings allowing sponsors to network while hearing from government officials on key issues.
  • Waiver of the registration fee for the annual NAIOP SoCal Advocacy Trip to Sacramento and for NAIOP SoCal’s two Legislative Receptions in 2025.
  • Confidential monitoring (by request) of local regulations or ordinances that are consistent with NAIOP SoCal’s mission.
  • Monitoring, guidance and input on local regulatory issues, including on proposed air and water quality rules.
  • Additional legislative affairs staff support to strengthen monitoring, reporting, and engagement on local issues critical to the commercial real estate sector.
  • Monitoring of City Council agendas and meetings in priority areas followed by written summaries of key developments.
  • Monitoring of Los Angeles County and Orange County Board of Supervisors’ agendas and meetings followed by written summaries of key developments. Attendance at Board of Supervisors meetings and provision of written testimony as needed.
  • Timely legislative amendments and late-filed supplement notifications and summaries if and when they are filed for legislation relevant to NAIOP SoCal’s interests or tracked legislation.
  • Reviewing, monitoring, and reporting of planning commission agendas in priority cities, specifically highlighting items of interest to NAIOP SoCal that could appear on any agenda.
  • Talking points and leave-behind materials that highlight the positive economic and fiscal impact that commercial real estate has on the local economy.


NAIOP SoCal's Gavel Sponsorship is $10,000. Our goal is to raise a minimum of $200,000 in 2025.

When it comes to defending the interests of commercial real estate in cities and counties across Southern California as well as in Sacramento, NAIOP SoCal is the tip of the spear. In 2024, however, NAIOP SoCal went on the offensivewith our Senior Director of Government Relations, Jose Cornejo, working closely with State Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-67) and staff on two distinct bills authored by the Assemblymember, which were favorable to the commercial real estate industry.

A NAIOP SoCal-sponsored bill, AB 2904, passed the legislature and was signed into law by Governor Newsom. This milestone marks the first time in our association’s history whereby NAIOP SoCal sponsored a bill and successfully guided it through the state legislative process. AB 2904 changes existing law by requiring a longer notice period - from 10 to 20 days - be given to property owners before a city- or county-initiated public hearing is held on a proposed zoning ordinance or amendment. The adoption of this bill represents a small step forward for California’s commercial real estate sector.

With valued input from NAIOP SoCal Gavel Sponsor Stephane Wandel (The Orden Company), AB 2433 sailed through three Assembly Committees without opposition and unanimously passed the full Assembly with a 67-0 vote. It stalled in the Senate Local Government Committee due to strong opposition by SEIU. Co-sponsored by NAIOP SoCal and our Sacramento partner, CBPA, this bill addressed lengthy delays in the building permitting process by introducing flexibility in fee structures. Significantly, AB 2433 aimed to expedite plan-checking services by allowing the retention of private professionals, suggested by the state, to conduct plan-checking if a local agency failed to meet a 30-day deadline for such services. NAIOP SoCal is committed to sponsoring a new version of the plan-checking bill in the forthcoming legislative cycle.

In the fourth quarter of 2024, we hired a regulatory affairs consultant, Cliff Moriyama, to help respond to air quality, water quality and hazardous waste regulations impacting commercial real estate in Southern California. Working with Cliff, the NAIOP SoCal Legislative Affairs team mobilized NAIOP SoCal Members to submit letters to the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) expressing concerns over Proposed Amended Rules 1111 (reduction of NOx emissions from natural gas fired furnaces) and 1121 (reduction of NOx emissions from small natural gas fired water heaters). In early November, NAIOP SoCal was instrumental in convincing the SCAQMD Governing Board to approve a 90-day extension of both proposed rules, in order for SCAQMD to engage with affected business entities including commercial and industrial property owners. To adequately respond to threats as well as proactively engage regulatory agencies more effectively, NAIOP SoCal must have the resources to be a powerful advocate for commercial real estate and the interests of our membership.

It is imperative for NAIOP SoCal to continue building relationships with policymakers on a regular basis. NAIOP SoCal will not be an effective advocate if our only interaction with a policymaker is when we need or oppose something.

We must continue to accelerate progress in educating government officials on the value that commercial real estate provides to job growth, the local economy and to the quality of life in SoCal communities.

We thank you for your support, which makes it possible for NAIOP SoCal to elevate our advocacy for the commercial real estate industry.


  • In an historic achievement for our association, Governor Newsom signed a NAIOP SoCal-sponsored bill, AB 2904, into law in September 2024. The bill provides greater transparency in the zoning change process by doubling the number of days a county or municipality has to notify property owners of pending zone changes.
  • For the fourth year in a row, led the lobbying and grassroots political mobilization to defeat a statewide anti-warehousing bill. Despite NAIOP SoCal and a broad coalition’s efforts to defeat AB 98, the State Senate and Assembly narrowly and controversially passed the bill during the final hours on the last day of the legislative session. Despite veto letters submitted by NAIOP SoCal and over 100 of its Members, the Governor signed AB 98 into law.
  • Co-sponsored AB 2433, aimed at expediting plan-checking services and building permit processes. Passed unanimously in the Assembly yet stalled in the Senate. NAIOP SoCal will advocate for a new version of this bill in the coming legislative cycle.
  • Defeated potential Los Angeles County ballot measures for a countywide document transfer tax, as well as a separate parcel tax.
  • In February 2024, led a coordinated effort in opposition to the City of Pico Rivera’s efforts to adopt a 45-day moratorium on the establishment, expansion or modification of warehouses and distribution centers in the city’s industrial zones.
  • Worked with the City of Irvine to gradually phase in the implementation of a new 1.5% Utility User’s Tax.
  • Prepared and distributed a 2024 Voter Guide with recommendations by NAIOP SoCal Legislative Affairs Committee Members on statewide and local ballot measures, and candidates running for office. 80% of our recommendations came to fruition.
  • Organized dozens of meetings with local and state officials, including in Sacramento with state leaders.
  • Mobilized over 5,000 NAIOP Members and allies to use our digital grassroots advocacy program.
  • Provided testimony at nearly a dozen city council meetings, as well as county and city planning commission hearings.

2025 Gavel Sponsors

CenterPoint Properties
Goodman North America
The Orden Company
Rexford-Color Black Logo Vertical
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